Rose Prompt


Here I am.  The prettiest of them all. More wonderous than the leaves on my climbing vine, more colorful than the grass at my feet.


I haven’t always been like this. Once a tiny dark seed,  I was  just a promise of something glorious.  And before that I was  genetically engineered to be just the right mix of red and gold.


But here I am, and you’d think I’d be happy, but I’m bored.  I want adventure and freedom from this vine and, well, I want exactly what I don’t have.  Isn’t that normal?  Who wants to be a glorious rose all the time?   Leave a comment.  What would you want to be?  You could start..”I want to be…”

Fast Winds and Fury


I am fast winds and fury today.  I am ancient and I sit outside a monastic ruin far away.  But now I’m a picture, too, so you can look at me. Tomorrow I will be something else.  I might be in the rain and my trunk and branches will glisten.  I will be majestic.


And then on another day…what do you think? Leave a comment.

Self Care Prompt


I am a crystal pitcher holding white tulips.  I am quite old, but the tulips in me were almost newborn a few days ago.  Now, daily, they are faltering.  They have gone from standing up straight to choosing their own falling down angle. I still find them lovely, but soon, because they get no fresh water, they will dry up.  I wish I could help.  If I had a voice I’d remind the lady who owns me to take better care of things.  Herself included.  I’d tell her…


Leave a comment.  Finish the sentence



There was a tree at my Grandmother’s that reminds me of this one.  It had a bench underneath and my granny said that was because it was a storytelling tree.


At first I thought the tree talked so I listened but only heard some crickets and the wind.  Granny said, no, IT listened while you told it stories. In our case, Granny told the stories and the tree and I listened. Granny said that all good stories and words, make everyone feel better.  Even a tree.


Do you make up stories?  Give it a try.  What would story you tell the tree?

Pay Attention

When I practice following-the-breath and trying to “Still” my mind, I realize how many words there are shouting to get my attention.  Everything from “Have you paid that important tax bill?” to “Should I have chicken for dinner? Or should it be a veggier burger ?  Maybe fish?”


Speaking of fish….


Have you noticed the clear and loving  attention a baby gives to things. One fascinating thing at a time… What would we have to do to have this?

What do you do? Leave a comment..